Monday, 8 March 2010

Potatoes chitting

Got my seed Potatoes yesterday and have them all on top of the kitchen units chitting away. I have them on trays with newspaper and gone for some in egg boxes, stood in little cups cut from cardboards tubes, and some wrapped with paper like little nests.

1. Arran Pilot Seed Potatoes (First Early)

2. Charlotte seed potatoes (Second Early)

3. Kestral seed potatoes (As a Main Crop)

Currently still trying to get a large stone out of the potatoe bed at the moment. I hope my spuds won't be as hard to get out!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Planted first Toms in the window

Still waiting for the snow to go away and for it to start warming up. Decided to plant three varities of Tomatoes in the propergator on the window sill. went for Money Maker,Roma vf, and a cherry varity Gardener's Delight. Great offer at Wilko's 3xpacket for £1.50. thought I would plant some more in a couple of weeks and then try them out in the ground later to compare. Still dreaming of a shed.