Saturday, 7 April 2012

Waiting for the sun

So more snow and with it the notion of getting a head start gone out of the window. Never mind at least the spuds are still ok and hopefully that is the last of the really cold weather. Will have to check the seed bed tomorrow and assess the damage!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Seeds in and hoping to put some early plug plants in too

So last Sunday was like spring had sprang and being on the plot was like really getting started! Got my seed bed topped up and have order some plug plants. Seeds planted are: Lettuce, Early Cabbage, Broad beans,leafbeet, and Beetroot. I ordered my Plug plants from ebay from Member ID: hippychick1822 and will let you know how they get on.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Two strawberries from last summer

Thought I would post this picture of my two enjoying the lovely strawberries of last summer. I can not wait until it warms up a bit. I think I will pop down this weekend to get a raised bed warmed up and get the seed bed cleared for March

Thursday, 9 February 2012


Found this great site run by Phil. He has built loads of really good articles and tips well worth the first while dreaming of growing on these freezing nights!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

A gamble on a mild start

I have decided to get my raised bed going early with Garlic, Radishes, and beetroot. It is a bit of a risk but as long as I can protect the seeds/bulbs and cover if needed I think I can get some early crops. Will let you know of success or failure!